Boardwalk may have only been around a few years but it has already started to change the shape of online estate agencies in the Bristol area. The High Street agencies have been due a revamp for several years and online agents have generally been slow to take advantage, until now.
Boardwalk gets rid of those elements you really no longer need. This cuts down the cost of selling and buying homes and makes sure you can maximise profits by getting the highest possible price.
Boardwalk are an estate agent service in Bristol where all upfront costs have been removed. Set up fees are unnecessary and there are no other hidden additional costs to worry about either.
However, just because costs are cut and even omitted at Boardwalk, it does not mean there is any limited service. Boardwalk still offers professionally taken photographs of the inside and exterior of your home.
The Bristol Estate Agents also boast an ultra-low fee of just 0.66 per cent of the final value sale. That includes VAT. All properties will have a detailed floor plan drawn up and an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) included within the exceptionally low fees.
How Does Boardwalk Make Its Fees So Low?
Most Bristol estate agents have offices or shop fronts on the high street. This will come with expensive council rates and running costs. Those overheads are, to some extent, passed onto the customer.
At Boardwalk, there are no shop fronts, expensive rates to be paid to a local council or huge running costs in a town centre area. Boardwalk simply works out of an office and can talk to its customers by email or telephone.
Boardwalk can readily access any properties you might have for selling by arranging a quick survey and pricing estimate. Boardwalk has won over its customers by utilising technology.
Boardwalk and Technology
During the viewing process, Boardwalk team members will link directly through to the office at all times. Using an iPad and 4G technology back at the office, any questions that cannot be answered at the viewing stage can be done so via the direct link to the office.
Huge Savings
On a typical home worth £220,000 you stand to save around £2,500 in fees by using Boardwalk over the high street estate agents in Bristol. The typical charge in the high street is 1.8% as opposed to Boardwalk and its 0.66%.